I Distort, You Can't Retort

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Elders Media Representation

1. Herbert from Family Guy 
2. Top Youtube search for old people is "Old People Falling."
3. The Clapper and "Help, I've Fallen and Can't Get Up" advertisements
4. Frank and Marie from Everybody Loves Raymond
5. Elders React to Dubstep Video

Each of these examples have one thing in common. They illustrate a large  gap between how the youth and the elderly are viewed in today's modern society. Elders are portrayed as perverts in Family Guy, as Herbert is often referred to as "Herbert the Pervert." It also makes elders appear creepy and people you would want to avoid. The Youtube search refers to old people as helpless people who are clumsy, and only provide entertainment through their clumsiness. The advertisements refer to the stereotype that old people are brittle and probably deserve to be in nursing homes, their job is basically staying alive. Frank and Marie provide the characters on Everybody Loves Raymond who are unrelatable to the younger audience. Their kids usually have differing opinions on how to solve problems and have different theories on how to live. The video "Elders React to Dubstep" effectively illustrates the gap in values as something that is culturally meaningful for the kids sounds like alien music to the adults, if they even consider it music. The media portrays adults in a much different light than youngsters, making fun of their disabilities, their ignorance to modern culture, and their personalities/values.

Unique Representations:
A unique media representation of the elderly came in the "Elders React to Dubstep." While most of the video was dedicated to exaggerating the cultural differences between young and old, there were a few elders who loved the music and thought it was fresh and interesting. They maintained the idea that Dubstep is a cult, but didn't immediatly disregard the new idea. Another unique representation was Herbert from Family Guy. Not many media outlets show elders as perverts. In fact, many people probably don't think elders have the energy and physical capabilities of being perverted. I think most people agree that elders typically don't view elders as perverted, but Family Guy was able to find a way and provide a fresh and unique media interpretation of our older folks. Many people don't view a Youtube search as a media representation, but I think that this search was too interesting not to include. The search highlighted the entertainment potential for elders in their clumsiness, contradicting a current stereotype that old people are too boring to stand or even be around.

Elders are never going to be viewed in the same light as the "in crowd" in the media. Their differences rather than their similarities will be exaggerated and the gap between the old and new will grow. Your elders may seem unrelatable, but remember, that is what the media has told you. Is the media always right on everything? Maybe our elders aren't as different as we think they are.

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Friday, January 25, 2013

Germany Media Information

1. The country has 51.8 million telephones and 108.7 million cellular phones. “Germany has one of the most technologically advanced telecommunication systems in the world, that has caught up with the western world.” Germany has a mix of publicly and privately owned television and radio stations. Over 90% of households have access to these types of media. The country contains 20.043 million internet hosts and 65.125 million internet users.

2. Germany uses the social responsibility mass communication theory. Some of their media is privately owned, and some of it is publicly owned. This means that Germany isn’t libertarian, soviet or authoritative. Germany does not have full control over the media, but doesn’t allow everything to be published. A portion of the media is publicly owned, but there is private media. If you are responsible with your media in Germany, your opinions will be heard.

3. I found a German story regarding the new Facebook “graph search” feature. This affects my life in Roseville because the effect of this story is felt worldwide. Everyone’s privacy is at risk in another Facebook intrusion debate. The story was very heavy on prostitutes, maybe a difference in culture

4. Both “Die Welt” and “Bloomberg” were heavy on the aspect of privacy invasion. The German newspaper covered the story in a way where they were advising their readers on what this means and what they can do to stay more secure. The American news outlet was more about the extent of the privacy intrusion, and how the story relates to Facebook’s Company and the previous privacy issues from Facebook.

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Tuesday, January 15, 2013



I think this article was important to be fact-checked because it talks about how well Obama has achieved the goals of his campaign. I think there are a lot of opportunities to be dishonest and mislead those who read the article.